You have arrived at my website. But the real you is sitting or standing somewhere in real time and space. Take a look around. Notice what you see, hear, smell, feel. Notice your breath. Notice your connection to the Earth - through whatever is under you - holding you and supporting you. You are on a little blue ball in space. You have arrived in this moment. There are millions of choices at your fingertips, but often your habits stop you from noticing them. Let me help you notice them, so that you can expand the palette of your attention and choice in every moment moving forward, leading to a deeper, truer, more enriching life that feels like you. Congratulations, you just re-oriented yourself in the moment.
Teaching Presence is a movement and wellness coaching company.
Our group classes and solo sessions help people understand their bodies, habits and attention patterns better. We also offer classes applying these tool specifically to performance. Discover simple practices that can create big changes in how you feel throughout your day. Reduce tension, stress and pain. Increase efficiency, freedom, and embodied joy.
Currently offering weekly online classes:
Teaching Presence strives to create an inclusive and equitable environment.
Read our policies and initiatives towards a safe inclusive space here.
Why I teach…
Shani Hadjian Photography
My journey of self-discovery through yoga and Alexander Technique was profoundly transformative in unexpected ways. I didn’t know I had lost a sense of ownership and empowerment over my own body until I gained it back. My body sovereignty and integrity had been slowly worn away by my experiences in our culture, from growing up as a girl to training as an actor, to surviving a sexual assault. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t feel safe in my body or trust myself and my body, until I started gaining the tools to actively practice understanding what I needed to feel safe. As I began to incorporate practices that helped me feel safe, secure, boundaried and autonomous in all spaces and areas of my life, my sense of self, my confidence in my career and my success greatly increased. These tools radically transformed my sense of my own power in any situation, and therefore, my trust in myself.
- Holly Cinnamon, Founder and Owner of Teaching Presence
you are a…
Why Presence?
Presence has undoubtedly become a buzzword in our culture. It’s used as this magical idea - this quality that some charismatic, talented people have; this thing that we all want more of in our lives, but we’re so sucked in by our thoughts and our phones; this magical unicorn experience that meditation or yoga might bring about! What I rarely hear is a concrete structured practice to build more presence into your daily life - making it a habit. So that’s what I’ve designed.
Fusing tools from Alexander Technique, Somatic Experiencing, body awareness perspectives from my yoga training and some exercises from my training as an actor (a field where the primary skills are presence and listening), I have developed a concrete structured way to practice presence, not only in a weekly class, but by incorporating it into all aspects of your daily life.
Whether you are here for a drop-in yoga or presence practice, a one-on-one self-exploration session or a progressive structured themed group class, welcome.
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What is Alexander Technique?
Your thoughts, your movement patterns, your habits and your identity are interwoven in a pattern that’s become familiar. It can be hard to create the changes you want, when you feel stuck inside a pattern you can’t control. I can offer you simple tools and practices to change your patterns
heal from habitual pains
& achieve your full potential!