Yin Yoga (the opposite of Yang Yoga) is gentle, passive, works with gravity instead of against gravity. This is not a work out class. This is deep tissue release. My teaching incorporates knowledge of anatomy and fascia from my Alexander Technique training, and also some release practices from Feldenkrais, Qi Gong and massage techniques to release more delicate areas like hands, feet, face and neck.
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Throughout the day, we all engage in repetitive movement patterns, based on what we do. These patterns can create tension and imbalances in our tissues. For example, arm, neck and back tension from leaning and reaching forward to our screens. We all have natural imbalances and compensations, but it is beneficial to release them, particularly at the end of the day, before our fascia naturally shrinks and tightens as we sleep.
Yin Yoga releases habitual tensions in our fascia and rebalances the whole system, so that tension is more evenly distributed throughout the body, as it is meant to be. We all need a certain amount of tension to hold our bones together, to stand and move, but we want this tension to be flexible and adaptable. Yin Yoga allieviates the build up of tension in certain areas, so that we can remain mobile and adaptive for long, healthy lives.