Apply Alexander Technique tools directly to your acting audition skills. This course will cover monologues, scenes and on-camera sides, how to use the same AT tools to prepare for each, and how to use your attention in each medium and adapt the same tools to each medium!
Topics covered:
orienting to calm down your nervous system in the audition room / self-tape space
exploring the resources in the space as scene partners
how to work with an imaginary scene partner or your reader
using your attention, time and space consciously to translate the story in the script into 4D
embodied memorization
locating the “I” and “me” in your own body
discovering your character’s field of awareness
using tension efficiently and to your advantage in your storytelling
understanding the relationship between choice and tension in acting
owning your time in your preparation, practice and execution in the room
unpacking what “presence” really is and how to cultivate it
I encourage you to bring in your own materials that you are working on - old and new! There will also be the opportunity to send me your headshot/resume/reel and for me to assign you new material!
There will also be space in this class to review your reel or look at current audition tapes you have been submitting and receive feedback, based on the tools we are exploring in class!